Grupo Suzano
Grupo Suzano
Valuation of all industrial units of the Grupo Suzano.
Valuation of all industrial units of the Grupo Suzano.
Valuation of all the factories of the Duratex Group.
Valuation of all the hospital units of the São Luiz Group.
Valuation of all the factories of the Votorantim Group.
Valuation of all the cement plants and valuation of several companies of the Camargo Corrêa Group.
Valuation of all large steel mills in Brazil – Siderbrás.
Valuation of all the industrial units of the Villares Group and evaluation of the business unit.
Valuation of the industrial unit.
Valuation of all Perdigão and Sadia industrial units.
Valuation of all companies in the Telefonica group (fixed, mobile and data telephony) on several occasions since 2008.